Location and date

Dredging Operations and Environmental Research Program (DOER), US Army Corps of Engineers- Engineer Research and Development Center
DOER supports the US Army Corps of Engineers Operation and Maintenance Navigation Program. Research is designed to balance operational and environmental initiatives and to meet complex economic, engineering, and environmental challenges of dredging and disposal in support of the navigation mission. Research results provide dredging project managers with knowledge and technology for cost-effective operation, evaluation or risks associated with management alternatives, and environmental compliance.

Dredging Operations Technical Support Program (DOTS), US Army Corps of Engineers- Engineer Research and Development Center
The DOTS program provides environmental and engineering technical support to the US Army Corps of Engineers Operations and Maintenance navigation and dredging missions. Technology transfer products and activities support diverse field needs that directly benefit navigation and dredging operations throughout the United States.

Regional Sediment Management (RSM), US Army Corps of Engineers- Engineer Research and Development Center
The RSM teams provide information and resources for implementing regional approaches using best management practices for more efficient and effective use of sediments across multiple projects in coastal, estuarine, and inland environments.

Engineering With Nature (EWN), US Army Corps of Engineers-Engineer Research and Development Center
The US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Engineering With Nature (EWN) Initiative enables more sustainable delivery of economic, social, and environmental benefits associated with water resources infrastructure. EWN is the intentional alignment of natural and engineering processes to efficiently and sustainably deliver economic, environmental, and social benefits through collaborative processes. EWN is a cross-cutting program of activities resulting from collaborations among multiple Civil Works Research, Development and Technology programs and non-USACE partners.